Best Backend Technologies for Mobile App Development in 2022
Global mobile users had topped 7 billion by 2021, as per Statista. In today’s world, digital transformation has become increasingly important. Whenever it comes to mobile app development, users have high hopes for performance and reliability.
The process of developing a mobile app is quickened up and simplified by using the best mobile app development frameworks.
In the development of any mobile app, backend technologies are crucial. Choosing the correct technology stack is critical for any project, whether you’re a business founder or an IT expert. Backend technology that is well-chosen can ensure scalability, performance, and a fast response to client demands and needs. Server-side programming languages, frameworks, and other tools are used to create business logic and ensure the overall functionality of a project.
For backend development, there are numerous technology stacks and tools currently available. Programming languages, frameworks, databases, development platforms, and other tools are all part of the standard technology stack. Each tool, on the other hand, has a distinct role and should be ideally matched to the project’s specific goals.
Are you looking for the best mobile app backend technology? If that’s the case, we’ve got a lot to discuss about. We’ve gone into detail to help you through the field of mobile app backend development and assist you in selecting the finest backend technology for your project. So, let’s get started!
Let’s start with,
Why is mobile app development crucial for businesses?
Mobile apps are becoming an important part of any company or brand. The mobile apps help you reach out to your target market while also growing your user base. As a result, mobile app development companies, as well as amazing and unique mobile apps, are thriving.
Developing a mobile app is no longer rocket science; you don’t need to be an expert in complex frameworks, especially when it comes to the correct backend technology stack, you just need to partner-up with the best mobile app development company.
The selection of an adequate and appropriate technology stack is a critical phase in the mobile app development project’s overall cycle. If you’ve made the proper decision, it’ll provide the groundwork for the app’s future success and user trust. Furthermore, selecting the appropriate technology stack should be in line with the project’s primary requirements, as this will help you save money in the event of future troubles or modifications.
But, what is backend technology?
Let’s check!
Backend Development: Quick Overview!
The frontend is a client-side app that displays graphics, buttons, and animations.
The server, app, and database make up the backend. The major aim of the backend technology is to store and organize data, interact with the user interface, and send and receive the essential information shown.
Any mobile app is designed with the user in mind. The app’s principal purpose is to give appropriate functionality to the user. As a result, without effective backend development, it will be impossible to create a working mobile app that satisfies all of the demands of potential clients. If you don’t hire a backend developer, you won’t be able to build an effective mobile app.
It is in the backend where the most critical coding step of the mobile app development process takes place. As a result, if there are a lot of crashes and errors, it suggests there are problems with the backend code. However, because languages and technology stack differ, the level of coding complexity may vary depending on the technology stack chosen. As a result, we compiled a list of backend technologies for best mobile app development.
Benefits of using best backend technology stack:-
- Undoubtedly, the mobile app development process takes significantly less time when backend developers can enhance app functionality. This also means fewer bugs, which speeds up the mobile app development process and enhances the final product’s quality.
- All of the framework’s features have been thoroughly tested and can be scaled quickly and easily. This makes it easy to build a mobile app that can handle demand surges and scale up and down components as needed.
- You can utilize out-of-the-box code and extend it with the right backend technology stack. The backend developers will be able to create substantial features with clear and simplified structures without having to start again.
You’ve probably already decided that the advantages of backend technology stack are too wonderful to pass up, and you’re correct. So, from the list of backend frameworks, choose the one that best fits your future mobile app development task.
Moving ahead, let’s talk about,
Best backend frameworks for mobile app development in 2022!
Mobile apps are traditionally developed in Java or Kotling (Android OS) and Swift or Objective C (iOS platform).
Mobile apps with complicated architecture, on the other hand, necessitate a significant backend technology stack. There are several programming tools available to create a server-side for a mobile app, and we’ll go over the best ones.
So, let’s start!
#1. Django
Django is a well-known high-level framework with extensive backend capabilities. Because all components of the framework function together, there is no need for isolated outer modules. It’s thought to be the ideal platform for creating enterprise-level, user-friendly apps. Django is well-known among mobile app designers because of the many communities that support it. This backend technology framework allows for maximum pluggability, less coding, more reusability, and quicker development. This backend technology stack runs all of its activities in Python and has an optional admin interface for creating, reading, updating, and deleting operations.
Advantages of using Django:-
- Rapid Advancement
- Secure mobile app development
- Versatile
- Open Source that can be used in a variety of ways.
Companies using Django:-
- Mozilla
- Indeed
- Spotify
- Udemy
#2. NodeJS
Node.js is an open-source backend technology that has recently become popular for mobile app development. It’s utilized in the development of a wide range of projects, including mobile gaming apps. Node.js was mostly utilized for the creation of mid-sized projects until recently, but it has now advanced to large-scale mobile app development projects. The platform is extremely scalable and provides excellent product performance with minimal mobile app development effort.
Advantages of using NodeJS:-
- Node.js is based on Google’s open-source, high-performance V8 engine, which converts code directly into machine code for speedier execution.
- It has a vast ecosystem, a big developer community, and a large number of open-source libraries for mobile app development cycle.
- Node.js allows for easy vertical and horizontal application scalability; mobile app developers may either add new components to an existing node or extend the mobile app by adding new nodes.
Companies using NodeJS:-
- PayPal
- Uber
- Medium
#3. Ruby on rails
Ruby on Rails is a technology stack that can be used to create simple mobile apps as well as apps with complicated business logic and dynamic interfaces. Furthermore, RoR is open-source. One of the quickest solutions for startups is RoR. Small and mid-sized mobile app development projects are best implemented with them. The RoR can handle projects with extended support cycles and periodic logic updates with ease.
Advantages of using ROR:-
- Saves app development time.
- Stability.
- Cost-effective.
- Scalability.
- Supports Model View Controller Architecture.
- Ruby on Rails makes use of an active record library.
- It’s easy to test.
Companies using ROR:-
- AirBnB
- Microsoft
- Github
#4. PHP
For small to medium-sized applications, PHP is a viable choice. PHP is a script-based language that necessitates an event-driven architecture. As a result, PHP is rarely employed in the development of real-time applications. Despite this, PHP remains a developer favorite due to its ease of use and strong community support.
Advantages of using PHP:-
- Easy to use
- Open-source
- Cost effective
- Flexibility
- Easily integrable
Companies using PHP:-
- Tumblr
- Slack
#5. Java
Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that is widely used in the creation of Android mobile apps, particularly in the enterprise. The Java Virtual Machine executes the code after it has been translated into a platform-independent bytecode (JVM). It’s a feature that distinguishes a language from ordinary interpreted languages like PHP. Java’s sophisticated memory management is another key benefit.
Advantages of using Java:-
- Open-source
- Scalable
- Flexible
- Offers reusable environment
Companies using Java:-
- Canva
- Netflix
- Snapchat
There are many programming languages and technology available today, but only a few are widely used. The essential guidelines to follow while choosing backend technology are speed, unchanging quality, and versatility. Furthermore, this is the type of thing you should look for in terms of technology. Follow your organization’s requirements, not just industry patterns, before choosing for the most valuable backend technology stack for a mobile app development project.